13 Best Anime to watch after Death Note (Full Component Analysis)

I will be analysing the components that make death note “Death Note” (Potato chips not included) and what make it so awesome and I will give you several recommendations of anime to watch after Death Note that fall into each component and then to but not particularly fall into any category but are awesome and similar nonetheless.

Before I begin, let me tell you two mainstream honourable mentions since i’ll be ranging from semi mainstream shows to shows that you probably never heard of.

Being that a lot of people watched Death Note and have not watched a lot of other anime and this Netflix Death Note movie is bringing people into the medium for mainstream series you need to see, we have Code Geass and Fate/Zero.

Both strategy heavy and action based unbelievable anime that I personally think are both better than Death Note but that’s a debate for another blog.

I highly recommend both of these but I don’t want to dwell on the subject because most anime fans have seen them.

13 Best Anime to watch after Death Note

  1. Death Parade
  2. Psycho Pass
  3. Hell Girl
  4. Code Breaker
  5. One Outs
  6. Legend Of The Galactic Heroes
  7. 91 Days
  8. Gankutsuo: The Count of Monte Cristo
  9. Spiral: Bonds of Reasoning
  10. Durarara
  11. Monster
  12. Zankyou No Terror
  13. Bakuman

So let’s get into the five (component wise) recommendations:-

1. Arbitrary justice

The first component of Death Note that I think everyone loves is its arbitrary justice.

The battle discussing what justice actually is between light and L.

Being that you’re here I assume you’ve seen Death Note and I don’t have to go into it and I’m sure you all know exactly what I mean because in the end of the day light saved millions of people by killing hundreds of thousands.

So was he right or wrong? well this justice judging immediately made me decide to put Death Parade on the list.

  1. Death Parade
Anime to watch after Death Note

In death parade, there’s this guy named “Decim” running a bar who give you 12 episodes to debate whether his hair is emo or just gay xD, and two people walk into the bar, (no this is not a knock-knock joke) he tells them they have to play a game.

They play an interesting game with interesting rules in which decim manipulates the circumstances to bring out the evil in both parties.

It is later revealed that this bar that they are playing these games in, is a purgatory where they will be judged if they will end up reincarnated or going the void, basically heaven or hell.

This is going all nicely with decim as an arbiter but it isn’t so easy to judge a certain human and she affects him because she has a completely different view on Justice and why some people should be judged differently than decim is actually judging them.

The setting is fascinating, the progressive story doesn’t hold a candle to Death Note, I’ll just it like that.

I’m not trying to trick you into watching the series but every episode has as much character development in the characters we see than most series have in a full 25 episode runtime.

But I don’t have all day so let’s move onto Psycho Pass

2. Psycho Pass

Anime to watch after Death Note

In a dystopian future there is this Sibyl system which basically is used to govern the world.

It measure the mindset and emotions of every person and if it psycho analyzes and find their numbers too high, they are prone to commit crimes and murders and stuff.

They are immediately sent to prison despite not doing anything wrong.

There’s obvious dispute as far as justice goes, throughout the beginning of the series and then the plot twist halfway through this twisted distorted world is only further mind-blowing.

Let’s muddle into the slightly more obscure with Hell Girl.

3. Hell Girl

Anime to watch after Death Note

Under the right conditions, someone can get this hell girl to do him a little favour and put one person that he decides in hell, the cost is his own soul.

While the story line is more episodic than a flowing strategic masterpiece like Death Note is, every episode has it’s characters that you like, it’s characters that you hate and characters that go up and down their decision-making.

Once again, deciding what justice really is and if it’s worth sacrificing themselves for it and if you’ve seen all of those then you can checkout Code Breaker.

4. Code Breaker

Anime to watch after Death Note

It’s not my favourite anime, not by long shot. It’s about a girl who witnesses a dude off some other fellas and then they have this justice debate the entire way through the anime as well.

But just to be clear, it is not as good as the last three I’ve mentioned in this category.

2. Battle of wit and manipulation

The second category I’d like to bring lights to is the battle of wit and manipulation that we see all over Death Note, as basically it’s strong suit.

So as far as games go, I’d like to recommend Kaiji:The Ultimate Survivor, yes he looks like Pinocchio and yes the art style is all in all a little strange.

But the strategies this Kaiji guy deploys to win these games he’s forced to participate in are truly genius, very similar to Kaiji in my opinion is One Outs.

5. One Outs

Anime to watch after Death Note

An anime I actually like more and while it seems to be stupid about baseball, this pitcher guy can almost put Light Yagami to shame, where he can destroy the average battle before he throws his first pitch.

I love that dude and I love this show and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Yes! even though it’s about baseball, every match feels like hunter x hunter’s dodgeball match and that’s possibly because the pitcher reminds me a hell of a lot like Hisoka, another anime mastermind.

Moving onto Legend Of The Galactic Heroes

6. Legend Of The Galactic Heroes

Anime to watch after Death Note

It’s an anime that quiet old and many people haven’t seen it.

In fact I haven’t seen the whole thing myself but I do think it is quite a bit better than Death Note is, with amazing strategies between Epic generals on a massive intergalactic battle.

Also just note the crispness of the animation and art style (it’s beautiful!)

There’s no need to press the subject because we have 91 days which can also be called Three months because the story takes place in 3 months not that that really has any bearing on the actual story.

7. 91 Days

Anime to watch after Death Note

A story about somebody who wanted revenge on a Mafia family for killing out his family, so he turns his manipulation buttons and Overdrive and infiltrates their family to destroy them from the inside.

I thoroughly loved this series despite it not getting all that much hype when it aired and while a lot of what Avilio does is subtle, a lot of it is really genius.

Next I would like to turn your attention to Gankutsuo: The Count of Monte Cristo.

8. Gankutsuo: The Count of Monte Cristo

Anime to watch after Death Note

All of you who did not read the book and I assume that’s mainly because it’s like a 14,000 page book.

This anime is still different, it takes place 5,000 years in the future and the story is told from a completely different angle.

I feel like telling you why this anime is good is already spoiler territory so I’m just gonna tell you this, I loved everything about Gankutsuo.

Except for that semi wimp protagonist like kid thing, with the count being possibly my favourite anime character of all time, not knowing if he’s good or if he’s bad throughout the entire series but he has a plan and the way every single piece of the puzzle that he lays out , falls into place is brilliant.

And in case you watched all those, an extremely underground anime that you’ve probably never heard of, Spiral the band of Reasoning.

9. Spiral: Bonds of Reasoning

Anime to watch after Death Note

Once again, it’s a battle of Strategies and a battle of wits and it’s not nearly as good as anything else here. But if you’ve watched all them then I guess you’re gonna have no choice but to try out Spiral.

3. Facade of the protagonist and the monster within everyone.

Part 3 I would like to talk about the facade of the protagonist and the monster within everyone.

Another thing I loved about Death Note is Light’s development, well, did not particularly like Light as a character.

I cannot deny that his portrayal was pretty genius, as his growth was apparent the entire way through the anime and how he was able to keep a straight face in front of his colleagues.

First, it’s kind of like a throw out, I’d like to mention Durarara

10. Durarara

Anime to watch after Death Note

Because the protagonist of Durarara on the outside looks like a total nobody but is secretly managing a massive crime syndicates, believe it or not there are three protagonists to the series and they are all managing their individual underground gang of sorts

And also there’s this orihara, that guys literally light yagami except cooler.

Anyway, moving on to Monster

11. Monster

Anime to watch after Death Note

An insanely under watched anime because its old and because it’s 74 episodes but it does not get slow for a minute in those 74 heart riveting episodes.

The story follows Tenma, a brilliant brain surgeon who’s about start operating on a kid to save his life, an incredibly Complex surgery when the mayor also needed a surgery done there was not so complex.

So, despite orders he left the mayor to colleague of his who was also a qualified brain surgeon and he went to save the boy, the boy was saved and unfortunately the mayor died on the table.

The hospital director originally told him to save the mayor was needless to say furious and proceeded to destroy his life.

Morally held high however 10 mother protagonist was slightly crushed but knew he did the right thing until he realises the truth of this child that he saved and what the child is.

That’s why this series is called Monster Johann Liebert, the child is one of my favourite anime villains of all time and his back and forth chase and truths revealed makes Monster one of my favourite anime.

So I highly recommend it to everyone despite it being old and despite it being 74 episodes, it’s really good shit!

And as far as my final two recommendations go, one of them I have is Zankyou No Terror

12. Zankyou No Terror

Anime to watch after Death Note

An anime that I also wanted to put on this list right when I was thinking about Death Note because it’s also sort about terrorists where the police are trying to catch em, while their goals are completely different than Light and while they are purposefully laying clues out for the police to find out what they’re about to do.

It was 11 episodes, there was brilliant thinking on both sides and honestly it was a really really good under watched anime. So I definitely recommend it to everyone.

13. Bakuman

Anime to watch after Death Note

And finally my fifth recommendation as an individual anime is Bakuman ( What Bakuman! that anime about drawing manga for 75 episodes!) Uh, yeah.

Believe it or not, it really gives off a Death Note vibe and that’s possibly because the person that wrote Death Note also wrote Bakuman.

Also, do you remember the awesomeness of the potato chips scene in the actual death note making mundane amazing!

Well, this anime doesn’t have anything to do with that, it actually makes sense

So, I will leave you with that for now. A list of all the anime I mentioned

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